INTL DLL Dynamic link library. INTL INI Contains usual phrases + names of weekdays and months. INTL H Header file. INTL LIB Import library file. INIINFOA TXT Information about INTL.INI and INTLDEMO.INI (ANSI). INIINFOO TXT Information about INTL.INI and INTLDEMO.INI (OEM). INTLAPI TXT Description of the API. INTLADV HLP Description of the API (Microsoft QuickHelp format). INTLWIN HLP Windows help file on the INTL package. INTLDEMO EXE Demonstration program. INTLDEMO INI Dictionary of demonstration program. INTLDEMO LZH Sources for demonstration program. INTLDEMO TXT A few words about the demonstration program. README TXT READ THIS FILE! REGISTR FRM Registration form. PACKLIST TXT This file. INTL31 LZH Files for using INTL with Windows 3.1